*** All homework is due the next school day unless otherwise noted. ***
HOMEWORK 02/11/2025
IXL - EXCELLENT Site for Practice of All Skills
Scholastic Storyworks
Vocabulary Workshop
https://www.sadlierconnect.com/anonymous/product/vw?productId=36&programId=257&subjectId=1&gradeId=7&programTOCId=-1&programSeriesId=1&hash=dW5kZWZpbmVkMultiplication Facts - EXCELLENT Site for Practice
Fun Brain
National Geographic for Kids
Cool Math 4 Kids
Welcome to the Sacred Heart School 4th grade webpage. It's going to be a fantastic school year, but we all need to work together - teachers, students, and parents. Communication is key to a flourishing school/home relationship. I will keep you posted on what is happening via email, the website, Class Dojo, and Google Classroom. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Email: [email protected]
I believe that students learn more when they have fun doing it. What seems like arts and crafts is actually a lesson in measurement or one honing in on the skills of following directions, both oral and written. Word searches increase focus and build on the ability to identify word patterns. Everything we do has a purpose!
I will keep you informed, but if you have any questions, please reach out.
According to (https://www.greatschools.org/gk/articles/fourth-grade-benchmarks/), students should be able to memorize and recall facts, take notes on what they read, write a paragraph, add and subtract decimals, compare decimals and fractions, multiply a multiple-digit number by a one-digit number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, divide a multiple-digit number by one-digit number to get whole number answers with remainders and find the area of two-dimensional shapes by the end of 4th grade. We will get there, but remember there are many roads to the same destination. I am excited to be making this journey with your children.
Thank you and God bless you.
Mrs. Karen McNamara
*One suitable, grade-level appropriate, “reading-for-pleasure” paperback book.
(NO graphic novels please.)
- 1 sleep mask
- 1 binder (1-1/2") filled with 8 subject dividers and lined paper.
Dividers labeled:
Math, Grammar, Vocabulary, Science, Social Studies, Spanish, Religion (1 extra)
-2 plastic folders with pockets without prongs (two different colors)
-1 hard cover composition notebook 100 sheets/wide ruled
-1 package of 12, #2 pencils (Ticonderoga preferred, sharpened)
-2 pink or white rectangular erasers
-2 boxes of 24 ct. crayons (1 in September/1 in January)
-1 set of 24 ct. colored pencils
-1 small handheld pencil sharpener that catches the sharpenings
-1 box 8 count or more washable markers (no sharpies, please)
-4 large glue sticks
-1 bottle of Aleen's Tacky or Elmer's Craft Tacky Glue - NO school glue please
-1 hard pencil case (approximately 8-1/2 x 6 x 2.5 Inches NO LARGER)
-1 ruler (12 inch/centimeter to keep at home for homework use.)
-1 reusable water bottle for daily use - must be spillproof and no cups.
For the Classroom:
-1 9" x 12" Spiral Bound Sketch book (No other art supplies are needed.)
Communion Hymn - I am the Bread of Life (Come and Follow Me, Angrisano/Booth) #335 https://www.youtube.com/
Sending Hymn - Oh Bless The Lord #543 https://www.youtube.com/