Hello parents and families,
One of the First Communion traditions we have adopted here at Sacred Heart is the First Communion banner. Each family with a child (or children) making First Communion makes a banner, which hangs on the pew for that Mass. The church looks even more beautiful with the children's banners on the pew, and practically speaking, banners also help your family and friends find your pew more easily!
You do not have to be "crafty" to make a banner, and we have templates and guides here for you to use on the left side of the screen. These will also be available in hard copy form at our retreat, and thereafter in the school during class time.
A few important notes about the banner:
- Banners are due at your child's First Communion practice. We collect them then, and hang them before your child's First Communion Mass on your assigned pew.
- You only need to make one banner. If you have another child who has made First Communion here in the past, you are welcomed to use that banner again this year!
- It is important that the banners are made to the correct size. You can opt to buy a kit, but please note that most kits make very large banners, so you would need to cut some of your materials down.
- We offer three different ideas and patterns for banner designs: a bread and wheat design, a chalice and grapes design, and a host and chalice design. All patterns and guidelines are available for download on the left side of the screen here. The templates and patterns we provide are suggestions, but you can be creative and do something different, as long as the symbols are related to First Communion. If you have any questions about this, please let me know.
Most materials can be bought at large local retailers and craft stores. If you have any trouble finding anything though, just let us know.
Thank you!
Mrs. Jessica Donohue
Director of Religious Education